About the ARC

Academic Resource Center (ARC) Standard Agreement

By using the ARC's tutoring services, students agree to being enrolled in a zero-unit section of Supervised Learning Assistance (Tutor 001). There is no cost, no grade, and no units associated with this. This is a free, zero-unit course used to coordinate tutoring efforts. Contact: @email if you have any questions.

ARC Support Staff

Mission Statement

The central purpose of Los Angeles Valley College's Academic Resource Center (ARC) is to support students in completing their educational goals by prioritizing equitable practices, collaborative efforts, and student-centered services.

Our Values 

Our values are to provide a safe and supportive space that promotes student learning, confidence, class success, and completion.

The Academic Resource Center (ARC) supports Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at LAVC.

LAVC Antiracism
As an organization founded on educational excellence, opportunity and access, and dedicated to the principles of equity, justice and community, the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) must lead by example, and make structural and permanent changes to root out the ill effects of racism and bias from our classrooms and our workplace.

ARC Support Staff 



Weigand, Scott
M.A. English Rhetoric and Composition Theory

Director, Academic Resource Center

Email: weigansm@drordi.com
Phone: (818) 947-2811
Office: LARC 225

Sheikholeslami, Farzaneh "Fay"
M.S., Ed.D. Educational Leadership and Policy

Faculty Supervisor, Academic Resource Center

Email: sheikhf@drordi.com
Phone: (818) 947-5907
Office: LARC 213

Cancino, Jose
B.A. English

Instructional Assistant Language Arts, Writing Center,
LAVC Tutor Training Program (CRLA) Coordinator

Email: cancinjl@drordi.com
Phone: (818) 947-2810
Office: LARC 219

Salter, Kelly "Lily"
M.A. English/Creative Writing

Instructional Assistant Language Arts, Multi-Subject Tutoring 

Email: salterkc@drordi.com
Phone: (818) 947-2616
Office: LARC 213

Olshansky, Nick
M.S.; PhD. Mechanics

Instructional Assistant Mathematics, Math Tutoring

Email: olshanN@drordi.com
Phone: (818) 947-2863
Office: LARC 220

Leavitt, Robert
SSTC; B.A. Psychology

Computer Lab Assistant, Computer Commons 

Email: leavitra@drordi.com
Phone: (818) 778-5725
Office: LARC 234

Labayna, Sean
Computer Lab Assistant, Computer Commons 

Email: labaynsa@drordi.com
Phone: (818) 778-5725
Office: LARC 234

Brill, Shira
M.S. Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Statistics Faculty Liaison, Multi-Subject Tutoring 

Email: brills@drordi.com
Phone: (818) 947-2744
Office: LARC 213

Haley, Lucas
M.S. Physics

Chemistry & Physics Faculty Liaison, Multi-Subject Tutoring 

Email: haleyll@drordi.com
Phone: (818) 947-2831
Office: LARC 213

Meade, Colette
M.A. English Rhetoric and Composition Theory

English Faculty Liaison, Writing Center 

Email: browncc@drordi.com
Phone: (818) 947-2810
Office: LARC 219

Yegoryan, Kristina
TESL; M.A. English Rhetoric and Composition Theory​

Workshop Faculty Leader, Writing Center 

Email: yegoryk@drordi.com
Phone: (818) 947-2586
Office: LARC 224

Nikoghosyan, Verzhine
M.A. English Composition​

ESL Faculty Liaison, Writing Center

Email: salterkc@drordi.com
Phone: (818) 947-2616
Office: LARC 218

He, Fendi
M.S. Applied Mathematics

Math Faculty Liaison, Math Tutoring

Email: hefy@drordi.com
Phone: (818) 947-2863
Office: LARC 220

Toneryan, Iveta
M.S. Applied Mathematics

Math Faculty Liaison, Math Tutoring

Email: toneryi@drordi.com
Phone: (818) 947-2863
Office: LARC 220

Yangsirisuk, Ten
B.A. English & MFA

​​​​​​​ARC Media Specialist & Assistant Writing Center Supervisor, Writing Center 

Email: yangsit@drordi.com
Phone: (818) 947-2810
Office: LARC 224