
Girls Students Walking on Campus

Business administration is the management of for-profit or non-profit organizations. This includes overseeing the business operations of an organization, including accounting, finance, marketing and sales, product design and development, as well as operations and technology management.

Welcome to the Los Angeles Valley College Department of Business Administration. We provide you with the knowledge and skills to understand the business world through a comprehensive set of classes, certificates, and degrees. Whether your goals are to transfer to a university and complete a four-year degree, earn an Associate’s degree or certificate, master skills for a new career, advance in your current career, or obtain the skills to start a new business you are in the right place.

Research shows and our business advisers agree that employers hire employees who communicate effectively, take initiative, are team players, and exhibit professional behavior and leadership. This is why most of our classes include real-life team projects and class presentations. Instructors concentrate on helping you build job specific skills valued by business and industry:

  • Team building
  • Communication
  • Problem solving
  • Leadership

LAVC Business Administration Department offers six AA degree options and eight different certificates of achievement. Courses offered in: Accounting, Business, Finance, International Business, Law, Management, Marketing, Paralegal, and Real Estate. You can earn a certificate in as little as one year and an AA degree in two.

Business Administration Department 
Programs of Study:

Dr. Kevin Sanford
(818) 947-2410
Office Location
Business Journalism (102)
Office Hours
email for availability


Business Administration


Business, Entrepreneurship, and Law


Business Administration

Click tabs below to find out more about the Business degrees & certificates.

Business Administration is a broad field with many disciplines including, administration, accounting, entrepreneurship and small business, finance, law, international trade, management, marketing, operations, information systems, and real estate. This degree is designed to provide students with the core of lower division courses required to transfer to a California State University and pursue a bachelor's degree in business administration in the discipline(s) of their choice. Emphasis is on accounting, the business environment and functions, economics, law, mathematics, and quantitative analysis. 

Business Administration 2.0 Associate in Science

The "Business Essentials" certificate will prepare students for first-level management and supervisory jobs, as well as support positions and qualify for small business jobs and careers including entry-level position in the areas of bookkeeping and accounting. Also, students will have completed many of the core requirements for the Associate in science in Business Administration for Transfer Degree.

Business Essentials Certificate

The "Banking and Finance" degree provides an in-depth understanding of the operations of money and capital markets, institutions and management. Students will be prepared for employment in such fields as investing, banking, corporate finance, insurance, credit unions, mortgage banking and related fields.

Banking and Finance Associate of Arts Degree 

The "Banking and Finance" certificate prepares students for basic entry-level positions in the financial services industry, including banking, insurance, brokerage and real estate. 

Banking and Finance Certificate

The "Management" degree serves as the basis for further undergraduate education in management and prepares students for first level management and supervisory positions, support positions in human resources, and for working in team-based environments. Besides Business Management, students will use the computer and the internet, and integrate other Business disciplines, including, Accounting, Marketing, Banking and Finance, and Law.

Management Associate in Arts

The "Business Management" certificate prepares students for first-level management and supervisory jobs, as well as support posts in human resources, and positions them for success in team-based work environments. Students will use the computer, the internet, and relevant computer applications.

Business Management Certificate

The "Retail Management" Certificate prepares students for career opportunities and advancement in the retail industry. Retail managers work in many settings, including grocery, fashion, specialty food and beverage, home and interiors, technology, services, general retailing, and e-commerce. The program provides students with skills in marketing, management, technology, and budgeting. Program completion leads to a certificate awarded by the College and an Industry certificate awarded by the Western Association of Food Chains.

Retail Management Certificate

The "Marketing" degree serves as the basis for further undergraduate education in marketing and prepares students for positions in sales, the retail industry, and entry level marketing jobs. Students will use the computer and the internet, and integrate other Business disciplines, including, Accounting, Management, Banking and Finance, and Law.

Marketing Associate in Arts

The "Marketing" certificate prepares students for advancement as well as positions in sales, the retail industry, and entry level marketing jobs. Students will use the computer, the internet, and relevant computer applications.

Marketing Certificate


Full-time Faculty

Name Areas of Study Contact Information
Nikoo Berenji Law, Paralegal, and Real Estate @email
Siu Chung Accounting
Dr. Sonja Jones Business @email
Desireé Lee-Perry Business @email
Howard Levine Accounting and Business @email
Kendrick Kim Real Estate and Business @email
Ray Mathieu Accounting and Business
Dr. Brandi Payne Business @email
Saul Preciado-Garcia Accounting and Business @email
Dr. Kevin Sanford, Dept. Chair Business @email
Dr. Tasos Sioukas Business @email

Adjunct Faculty

Click below for a list of Adjunct faculty. For a complete list of faculty search the LAVC directory.

Name Contact Information
Violet Amrikhas Saado @email
Sheldon Burgh @email
Joseph Caruana @email
Jack Condon @email
Murray Johannsen @email
Clarissa Leiva @email
Randall Lewis @email
Stephanie O'Neal @email
James Powder @email
Paul Sabolic @email
Kimberly Shediak


Lorenzo Ybarra @email


Faculty Profiles

Faculty Profiles

Click below to learn about the Business faculty.

Nikoo Berenji
  • B.A., University of California, Los Angeles. M.A., New York University. J.D., University of California, Berkeley. 
  • Teaches Business Administration: Real Estate and Law courses.



  • B.S., California State University, Los Angeles. 
  • Teaches Business Administration: Accounting courses.


Sonja Ann Jones
  • B.S. Mathematics/ Minor Psychology, University of Minnesota. B.S. Statistics, University of Minnesota. MBA Entrepreneurship, University of St. Thomas. PhD Business, Argosy University. Dale Carnegie Business Certificate. Certification in ITIL. 
  • Teaches Business Administration: Business, International Business, Finance and Marketing courses.
  • Fun Fact: I love to travel around the world and love to constantly learn.  I am a huge Vikings fan. I also love Acting, producing, music and entertainment!

  • Words of Wisdom: Embrace every moment, make all your dreams come true and make a positive impact in the world!


Kendrick Kim
  • B.A. Sociology, CSU Long Beach. M.S. Criminal Justice, CSU Long Beach. M.S. Psychology (Industrial/ Organizational Psychology), Grand Canyon University. Graduate Certificate in Sociology, Grand Canyon University. MBA, Grand Canyon University. 
  • Teaches Business Administration: Real Estate and Business courses.
  • Fun Fact - Marvel Studios and Marvel Comics fan, read the entire Twilight, Harry Potter, and Vampire Diaries series. Team Jacob (If you read Twilight and saw the films, you know).


Photo of Professor Desiree Lee-Perry
  • MBA Entrepreneurship, Northcentral University. B.S. Marketing from CSUN.
  • Teaches Business Administration: Business, Marketing, and Management courses.
  • Fun Fact - I'm a business owner, singer, and theatre actress.
  • Pronouns: She/Her


  • B.S. Accounting, San Diego State University.
  • Founded a public accounting firm, concentrating in small businesses and non-profit (exempt) organizations accounting and tax issues. 
  • Teaches Business Administration: Accounting and Business courses.


Raymond Mathieu
  • B.S. Finance, San Diego State University. M.A. Accounting University of Phoenix.
  • Teaches Business Administration: Accounting courses.
  • Fun Fact- I love to do triathlons. 


Brandi Payne
  • B.A. English, Henderson State University. M.S. Human Resources Management, Keller Graduate School of Management, DBA – a Doctorate in Business Administration, University of Phoenix. 
  • Teaches Business Administration: Business, Finance, Marketing, and Management courses. 
  • Prior to starting her career in academia in 2016, Dr. Brandi Payne worked in the financial services industry – banking and variable annuities – in roles ranging from management to business banking specialist to processor. Since starting her career in academia, she has taught in various educational settings and levels ranging from adult high school learner programs and master’s degree programs in the fields of English and Business.
  • Fun Fact- Brandi was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and raised in Newport, Arkansas – google the population of Newport, Arkansas for a good laugh! She met her California raised husband in Dallas, Texas; they share a 5-year-old daughter. 
  • Pronouns: She/ Her


Saul Preciado-Garcia
  • B.S. Criminal Justice, San Diego State University. M.S. Accounting and Finance (Emphasis in Fraud Examination), Keller Graduate School of Management. MBA (Emphasis in Human Resource Management), National University. 
  • Teaches Business Administration: Accounting and Business courses.
  • Mr. Preciado is a seasoned academic professional who has been actively contributing to the educational landscape since 2014, notably within the Los Angeles Community College District since 2016. Born in Mexicali, Mexico, Mr. Preciado's academic journey began with studies in accounting in his home country. Mr. Preciado's impactful contributions to the Los Angeles Community College District and his commitment to the fields of business and accounting demonstrate his passion for fostering a dynamic and enrichment educational environment for students. 
  • Fun Fact - Mr. Preciado's favorite foods are potatoes and hot sauce. 
  • Pronouns: He/ Him


Kevin Sanford pic
  • A.A. Liberal Arts and Sciences, Palomar College. A.A. Arts and Humanities, Palomar College. B.S. Business Administration- Management and Marketing, CSU San Marcos. MBA Management, Sam Houston State University. PhD Human Resource Development and Organizational Change, University of Texas at Tyler.
  • Teaches Business Administration: Business, Finance, International Business, Management and Marketing courses.
  • Fun Fact - I love to travel around the world, I am a United States Marine Corps Veteran, I have been teaching at LAVC since 2014, and some of my areas of interest are Business and Veteran Affairs.
  • Words of Wisdom: "Never leave a school without something" ... make sure you are on a path to earn Certificates of Achievement and Associate's Degrees. If you don't know how ... please ask!


Anastasios Sioukas
  • B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. M.S. Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, University of California, Berkeley. PhD Technology and Innovation Management, University of Southern California. 
  • Teaches Business Administration: Business, Finance, International Business, and Management courses.


Learn About Business Administration